Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wagon Wheelie Wager

We've been to the Gameplay, The Pets, The Guild,... Now.. It's time to discover how to make Money IN ZODIAC ONLINE!!!! (Ka-ching!) IN this guide, I'm gonna put in my Pictures (Or the pictures of my characters)


As I said in one of the last Guides, WAGON QUESTS are... yeah, well, by the name itself, it is a... Quest! But Not Just any Quest! It is a ESCORT A WAGON THROUGH VARIOUS MAPS AND DANGER! quest. OK! BTW, They're real name is Escort Quest.Lemme explain.

There is umm.. 4 types of Wagons SO FAR. That is the Training Wagon, the Earth Wagon, the Water and the Fire Wagon. And, there are different level range for each wagon.So you can take 5 escort quests per day

You can take the Quest at Escort Captain at Cloud City. You need Gold and Renown Points (RP) to take wagons; so, if you're reading this guide before playing, make sure you dont spend all of your RP's ~_^

After you accepted it, a Blue Dot thingy with a Chinese Mark?, will Show below your Health Bar!!

And you'll notice a two- wheeled thingy - ma - jig following you around. Well, that's what YOU call a wagon :)

Well, there was this Hijacking system back then, but this time, it's gone because the HIgher levels kept on bullying the Low levelers

Ok, that's about done. The link for the Official Wagon Guide (along with the Hijacking part) is in this link:

CLICK ME TO MAKE YOUR LIGHT BULB GO "BOOM!" (The boom lightbulb part was a joke xD)

Add me as friend
IGN: CryoWyvern, [MD]Quak
Server: Luna

Hope y'all had a good time!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Zodiac Online - Pets R Us!

Hello again!!! So, this is the part where I explain More of the features of ZODIAC ONLINE!!! Let's get started! x)

So this time, I'll Introduce the PET SYSTEM!!!! Yeah, most people LOVE pets. Especially if they're virtual so you can do lot's of stuff with 'em.

There are 12 types of pets that are equal to the amount of Zodiacs... Well, DUH! The pets in ZO ARE zodiacs turned trainable, evolvable, thingies...

(Took Me A While To Edit this to English Version xD)

On The First look on that Ox, you'd probably say "OH MY GOD!!! WHY IS THERE AN ALIEN COW IN THIS GAME?!" Yup. It's is REAAALY weird that an Ox is portrayed as a Cow with green patches. I mean really, who sees a cow that has green patches? OK, I admit I saw one; but it was paint!!!

OK, SO, These guys above can Evolve. So, they have THREE stages. Like the "Child > Teenager > Adult" phase. But here, They Call it "Generations". Awesome....

So, you already saw the Generation 1's up there. Let's take a peek at the Generation 2's!!!

As you can see, The Rat Get's UGLIER. Seriously, It looks like it gnaws in metal. @_@ So, The Alien Cow turns into a GIGANTIC Ox. The horse looks Cooler. And the rest looks pretty ok. The Pig and the Cute 'lil 'ol Wabbit Looks Cute :3

You can evolve your Gene.1 pets to Gene.2 By Leveling your pet to lvl 30 and you have to talk to the Pet Curer . But there is a condition... You have to sacrifice A Wild Pet(I'll explain it later in this Guide)!!! Bummer, man!

Here is an external link to... um... Clear things up:


OK! ON TO THE 3rd GENERATION!! So, The 3rd Generation is devided into 4 Branches. One is the Normal. The other is Advanced. The other is Rare. And the other is... well,... FAILED 3rD GENERATION!!! >:)

OK, Lemme give the link to the procedure in evolving Gene. 2 to Gene. 3....
So... When you level up your pet to lvl 60. (Another 30 levels!) You get to evolve it to an egg. and when it hatches, TADDA!!

Link to evolving Gene.2 to Gene.3:

OK!! Time for... WILD PETS!!!

You can "Tame" Wild pets through thingies named "Mob Flasks". I dunno. I see it as a Jar which you can put Wild Monsters inside. but not ALL monsters are tameable.. just... MOST...

Soo.. Taming a Wild pet equires Items(Potions, Equips, etc.), Gold and.. LUCK! Why'd I say Luck? Not all the time taming would be Succesful...


CLICK ME!!! I HAVE MILK!!! Moooooo~

Okay!! that's it for the pets!! Stay tuned for MORE UPDATES! (Thinking to myself: OMG, this isnt a TV show!! X_X )

Oh yeah... Here's another part:


Here at ZO, you can actually go Multi Windowed! And I DONT mean the shopping thing. MULTI WINDOW(This is my term. I dunno What REALLY is the name for it @_@) Lets you open several Clients at a time... MEaning???

In order to have Multi-Windows.. you 1st need to have "Multi Accounts" and you need More than ONE e-mail address. Seriously, How hard can it be? I have, like, 2 alts(Alternate Characters Slash Accounts) And My main!!!

Our Picture Togethah!!

Good times.. Good times...

OK, I'm probably finished. BYEEEE!! ^0^

IGN: CryoWyvern, [MD]Quak, [B]lacklisted
Server: Luna
Add me as a FRIEND!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Being Crazy for a Moment

All people have a crazy side. If 'ya say 'ya don't have one, then, that's just plain abnormal!

Well, once every few days I always Get the urge to make fun of anything. Even when others are laughing, I just feel the need to joke around. It's like fainting and being carefree. Sometimes, my friends have to slap me just to get serious. But, after a while, I get the feeling again!

Is something wrong with me? Maybe not and maybe not so not.

Like a few hours ago, we had this summer class in Journalism and we were at the front. I couldn't stop making fun of anything and everything!!! Good thing I went serious when our teacher told us to write an article or else, It would have been a Desaster!!! Everytime I try to get serious, my seatmate laughs at me and the Corny but Funny jokes I made. It was a total case of CONTAGIOUS LAUGHTER!!!
Of course, we covered our mouths when laughing, but we kept on laughing. It's like, when I stop, he laughs and I laugh again; when He stops I laugh and he laughs; and so on and so on until i couldn't breathe xD Fun moments!!

We ended up being the last ones in class. I was like "OMG, why did I have to make this article SOOOOO GOD DANG LONG!!," well, My seat mate warned me to shorten it a bit but NOOOOOO.

Well when the class ended, I went back at home feeling SOOOOOO tired and sleepy but I couldn't go to sleep AT ALL! Very Frustratin', though.

Okay, so that's about done. This Post is short but It was sure FUN! Even when writing... er,... typing, I still feel that odd feeling...

Ok Guys! That's it! I sure do get these Crazy urges once in a while, but it's so fun when you do it and in the end of the day you realize how a fool you were...

See 'ya, guys & galz!!!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Zodiac Online - One of the Coolest and Cutest MMORPGs

Woah!! So, I came across the other day about some Advertisement about some MMORPG. I was like, "Aww... Another MMORPG... Another game... Another case of Addictiveness....,"
Well, that time I was into another game and I was tired on trying onther...

When I visited the site, I was amazed. I went through the Beginner's Guide (Like most people USUALLY do.) I read the story and etc.

When I Came across the "Characters" part of the guide, I saw these 'lil cute characters like this one:

I said "Wow, is that a Cute Girl with a.... GIANT HAMMER?!!"
I said Wow the game creators were so, so, very, very... CREATIVE.
I mean, this things catches the imaginations of people. Look at it! a Small girl with a Giant Hammer! (LoL, now I'm just repeating myself... x3)

As I was saying, I browsed through the characters and since I saw the Girl with the Mouse Zodiac, I decided to check out my own(Male Pig).
On first thoughts, I had imagined the Male Pig to be Fat and all Ball Like with maybe a.. Mallet in his hand. I was surprised to see that my Zodiac had Dual Swords... DUAL SWORDS!! and he was slim... SLIM!!! Unlike me!!

Here's the link to the character page I was tellin' you guys about:


Check out your own "Specialized" characters. (Warning: If you're in public, don't LOL)


OK so. Zodiac Online is the 1st MMORPG(In case 'ya don't know, MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) to have... Zodiac Signs... Neat, huh?

OK, so here's the... Story... behind Zodiac Online! Feel free to read:

Aquarius, Pisces, Aries… It’s not unusual to feel those names are familiar and the words “Twelve Constellations” suggests itself immediately. We all know everything related to the Twelve Constellations, but do you know the Zodiac signs in the east, which have a one-to-one relationship with the constellation? And the origin of them?

Here’s the story.

Once upon a time, there was a prophecy in the heavens that sooner or later the final day of the world will come, which is called “Doomsday“. On this day, a gang of atrocious demons will be unleashed and plunge the whole world into chaos.

Jade Emperor, the head of the heavens, has long been worried about it until an Immortal presents an idea of excellence, namely sending 12 deities to the mortal world and preventing the heralded tragedy.

Therefore, 12 immortals depart to the human world and transform into 12 animals, guarding all living creatures. They win respect and reputation from people by their day-and-night working. So people call them the Zodiac Envoys.

However, everything still remains to be seen. Will Doomsday be able to be stopped? If it fails, will the Zodiac Envoys be able to defeat these demons? And which Zodiac will be your favorite one?

Come to Zodiac Online to find all the answers!


I don't get the story. 'Cuz most players like ME tend to focus on the Gameplay than the story. But, the story's cool though..... Yep, Pretty clever...

OK! Let's move on to... The Gameplay!!

OK, so this game is kinda like... Mouse-driven... but you also need the keyboard to like, punch in names, prices, chat, and oh yeah, there are also keyboard shortcuts like Alt + Q for quests and stuff like that.

So, you start the game with Level 1, and you're in Heaven! or more like the.. Peach Garden, was it? Anyhow, you start off at the Peach garden and you can meet all the NPCs called the "Immortals". I like seeing my fave NPC, Alphonso, the spearman guy.

So, you go down to earth and start to do quests. The most important quests are the Mainline Quests or the Story Quests. Without it, you can't take other quests or go to other places like Butterfly Peak. Then, you start leveling up, getting experience and other stuff.

There is a Program they call the.. "Match-up System"??? Anyway, when you come across another player's character, something automatically pops up in the lower right part of the screen saying "Blah.blah is keen on you" or "Yada.yada is hostile at you", anyway, I think they are determined by what Zodiac does the character resemble.

There are actually Four types of quests (I think) Namely, Active, Passive, Living and your Zodiac skill.... Oh wait, make that five... I forgot the Special Skills. Oh well, Clumsy me -_-''

The best part I like 'bout this game is that... IT'S INTERNATIONAL!!

I always get to meet new friends. Even though I'm right here in the Philippines, I get to meet people in UK, Brazil, North America, etc. And, there is one rule to keep us from misunderstanding each other: "Speak Englisk on the World Channel". Yeah, you get the World Channel, the Guild(when you have one), PM, and others...

The other things I like about this game is that, it is REALLY fun with the cute graphics and all.


Getting to join a Guild is the BOMB!!!


  • You get instant help for your hard quests
  • You get to meet lots of people and make friends
  • It's really quite funny when they're talking in your talking in you're language and they don't really understand and all...
  • Easy leveling. Guild Quests can add EXP. More that Monster hunting, actually.
Well, Now My guild is BLACKLIST and almost all of us there are from the Philippines.
It's fun and I find my quests easy when they're around.
Like my Elder Sisters (Or "ATE" in our dialect.) , They're not my REAL sisters, in fact I'm an only child. My Ate chobita and my Ate Prinsesa/Eurekadyze. They often help me out. And my Kuya's (Elder brothers. Sorry, Ate and Kuya are my way of respecting the ones who are older than me.) El_Savior/MrJesus, our boss, tsuna. and others that helped me...
And, it's fun to have a guild. Although it could get crazy sometimes, like Lawless, [F2]SickOfitall and young_master's weird, but funny speeches.... Blacklist Really turned out fine for me.... GeeYoh and Destrosh!tness for all those items... Aaaaaaw NUTS! Now I'm getting more Personal Like. BACK TO THE STORY!!

Another Great thing about this game is that The GMs (Game Masters or Wachamacallit) are very active and Visits the players As Often as they can. Even in forums, GM Blackout and Iris... And GMs are not so Strict like on the other games. They're so nice....

Soo.. All in all it's a Great and Fantastic Game. Personally, I LOVE it... Don't forget the Name 'o the Game, alright? It's ZODIAC ONLINE!!!

Link to Main Site:
Zodiac Online Main Site

Link to Official Forum:
Zodiac Online Official Forum

Alrighty, It's 3 a.m., I spent 3 hours making this review. And probably tomorrow, I'm gonna start making an AMV for this game and post it here....

One thing will make me happy for writing this review: Comments, Ratings, More comments and ratins....

Ok Guys!! See you!!! I reaaaaally Got to get some sleep

Peace Out!!


BTW, Add me as a friend in ZO:
IGN: CryoWyvern
Server: Luna

New Blog Spot - Sweet!!!

Ok, So I decided to make this blog spot. I dunno why, but I guess I wanted to share my thoughts and my opinions somewhere. Yeah yeah... I'll be making new blogs every now and then. Okay, now I'm all boring like. I just go blah, blah, blah.. same old, same old... Anyhow Hope someone comments. Oh, and by the way, you guys will be seeing A LOT of emoticons. I just have, sort of a knack for emoticons.

Ok Guys! Hope this'll be fun!
