Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Being Crazy for a Moment

All people have a crazy side. If 'ya say 'ya don't have one, then, that's just plain abnormal!

Well, once every few days I always Get the urge to make fun of anything. Even when others are laughing, I just feel the need to joke around. It's like fainting and being carefree. Sometimes, my friends have to slap me just to get serious. But, after a while, I get the feeling again!

Is something wrong with me? Maybe not and maybe not so not.

Like a few hours ago, we had this summer class in Journalism and we were at the front. I couldn't stop making fun of anything and everything!!! Good thing I went serious when our teacher told us to write an article or else, It would have been a Desaster!!! Everytime I try to get serious, my seatmate laughs at me and the Corny but Funny jokes I made. It was a total case of CONTAGIOUS LAUGHTER!!!
Of course, we covered our mouths when laughing, but we kept on laughing. It's like, when I stop, he laughs and I laugh again; when He stops I laugh and he laughs; and so on and so on until i couldn't breathe xD Fun moments!!

We ended up being the last ones in class. I was like "OMG, why did I have to make this article SOOOOO GOD DANG LONG!!," well, My seat mate warned me to shorten it a bit but NOOOOOO.

Well when the class ended, I went back at home feeling SOOOOOO tired and sleepy but I couldn't go to sleep AT ALL! Very Frustratin', though.

Okay, so that's about done. This Post is short but It was sure FUN! Even when writing... er,... typing, I still feel that odd feeling...

Ok Guys! That's it! I sure do get these Crazy urges once in a while, but it's so fun when you do it and in the end of the day you realize how a fool you were...

See 'ya, guys & galz!!!



  1. yeah you're right about the crazy side, i got them too............ A WHOLE LOT OF THEM. I dont mean to offend you but that the correct spelling is "disaster" but anyhow i think its a "pun intended" because the way you write seems to be right(OMG ryhme)except that one of course.... eh? =.= english teacher mentality, so sorry

  2. Yeah, hahahah. I guess all that writing and laughing made my head really busted X_X
